$339.00 CAD

3 monthly payments

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Fundamentals of Healing with Sound and Music

Our Flagship Program - 3 full days discovering the Healing Power of Sound and Music!

What you'll get:

  • Powerful Results
  • 3 days of learning, developing and honing your new skills
  • Comprehensive Support Material

[ Price includes GST ]

What People Are Saying:

I’ve had brilliant experiences today with each and every one of my clients. So excited to use this and infuse more playfully with my clients! My sessions were way deeper today. All four are regular clients and they all enjoyed it. This has brought my play box up to a whole new level!

Dixie Bennett, Stillpoint Bodyworks

TRUST, TRUST, TRUST! I have it in spades for Sharon and Ed. I don't say this lightly. I feel they have delivered everything they promised and more. I have not regretted one moment spent in their trainings.

Natalie Stuber, For the Health of it Yoga