The Sound Wellness Institute Team
Meet Tina Thrussell

Tina Thrussell is a caring, generous soul who loves to share information with people. It makes perfect sense that she took the wealth of information she acquired in her own personal and spiritual development journeys and combined it with her natural talent for teaching to begin creating and facilitating impactful, interactive, and fun life-enhancing experiences. 

Tina ThrussellTina has inspired thousands of people to live more purposefully, passionately and playfully by effectively combining powerful tools with her strong intuition in a broad range of speaking and teaching environments (wellness conferences, teachers conventions, learning symposiums, adult continuing education classrooms, annual general meetings, lunch and learn programs, group coaching sessions, one-on-one coaching sessions, staff development days, personal growth intensives and retreats).  

A decade into her successful facilitation career, she was gifted with the medicine name, Woman That Dances with Light, through a drumming ceremony with Cree Elder, White Thunderbird. This called her to acknowledge her gift for receiving and transmitting energy, information and resources… and share this gift as a holistic Spiritual Healer. (She has been told, “A lot of people claim to have a gift, but you’re the real McCoy!”) While she continues with her group facilitation work, she also creates safe and sacred space for gentle healing experiences for individuals by blending Divine Guidance with various healing modalities and the power of movement. (Tina is a Brown Belt Nia teacher.)

Whether you are in a group or an individual experience with her, rest assured that you will feel loved and genuinely cared about in her presence. 

Visit Tina's Website