Safety and Ethics I
Course Description
Client Safety
The following topics are covered in this module:
- The physical space
- Basic client safety.
- Cleanliness of the healing space.
- The energetic space
- Managing the energetic space – clearing space.
- Removing ‘negative’ energy.
- Creating sacred space.
- Client support for specific challenges
- Back door method.
- Heart Wall Protocol.
- Grounding an out of body experience.
Ethics and Boundaries
The field of ethics involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Business Ethics is the glue that holds an organization and its employees accountable for their actions when interacting with others. They are often the foundation for company policy in how you provide your services, how you manage disputes, and even how you maintain your professionalism.
Each modality that you are certified to practice, including Sound Wellness, has a defined scope of practice. The scope of practice clearly defines what you can and cannot do in your practice based on your training.
The following topics are covered in this segment:
- Why Ethics are important.
- Review of the Sound Wellness Institute Code of Ethics.
- Setting boundaries – managing clients, friends, family and challenging situations.
Spontaneous Kundalini Activation
Kundalini is a life force energy (prana, chi, bioplasma) that exists in the root chakra at the base of the spine and expresses itself by rising through the chakra system, from root to crown, as we grow and evolve. The Kundalini process is a normal and necessary part of our evolution as spiritual beings.
Under certain conditions, this energy can be spontaneously activated before a person is ready for it. This can cause physical and psychological symptoms and sometimes serious mental illness.
The following topics are covered in this segment:
- What is Kundalini?
- Characteristics of Spontaneous Kundalini Activation
- Client support