Join us for . . .

Sound Wellness
Harmony for Life

Restoring Wholeness in Your Practice and in Your Life


Harmony for Life is a highly experiential course that offers a deeper understanding, experience and integration of how sound contributes to harmony and wholeness. Harmony creates stillness and peace. It reestablishes the original blueprint and allows for the reset of natural patterns.

When harmony is that deeply integrated, it is very difficult to knock you out of balance. And if something really big comes along that does, you will have powerful tools at your disposal to restore that balance quickly and easily.

Note: You must have attended the Fundamentals of Healing with Sound and Music prior to attending Harmony for Life.

Harmony is completely at home in the heart.

What does Harmony in the Heart feel like?

  • A greater sense of Belonging.
  • You're part of your Community.
  • You'll experience Less stress.
  • You'll have Greater Clarity.
  • You'll have More Energy for family, friends, and the things you enjoy doing
  • You'll Save Time. You'll find that tasks are easier to complete.
  • You will re-discover how to Feel Happy.
  • There will be Less Worry in your life. And you'll have the tools to deal with it, if it does show up
  • Start your day with greater Confidence.
  • You will Remember More, with greater focus.
  • You can be your Authentic self.
  • You will Attract more people into your life, people who want to support you. People who want to be your clients.


Join us from anywhere in the world.

Courses are taught LIVE in-person
and by live-stream simultaneously. 

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The 8 Spokes of the Harmony Wheel

Sound Community

You'll experience how sound creates powerful community and how you can use it to support your practice.

More . . .

Sound Body/Mind

Support for your physical and psychological well-being.

More . . .

Sound Movement

Not just for fun, and to also contribute to physical and mental wholeness.

More . . .

Sound @ Work

Experience how to be more productive and creative, in spite of distractions.

More . . .


Sound Wellness Harmony Wheel

Sound Feng Shui

Keep your environment clear, and free of unwelcome (negative) energy.

More . . .

Sound Support

Create and maintain the vibration of abundance in all areas of your life.

More . . .

Sound Heart

Expand the capacity of your heart and to create a deep heart connection with others.

More . . .

Sound Spirit

Find the sound of your soul. For many, this has been the most inspirational segment.

More . . .

The Harmony for Life Experience . . .

You will experience all 8 spokes of the Sound Wellness Harmony Wheel™.

  • Practice ways that sound and music can be used to create community experiences to help build your practice.
  • Mantra is a tuning fork for creating harmony and wholeness. Experience a variety of ways mantra can be used for healing and community building.
  • Practice and expand your sensitivity for negative (unwelcome) energy. Keep your home and healing space clear.
  • Support your working clients with music created for relaxation, creativity, productivity and more.
  • Harness the power of gratitude and mantra. Attract more abundance into your life.
  • Support health and wholeness in body and mind with movement and mantra.
  • Discover and connect with your soul’s sound. You’ll take home a recording of your soul sound


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Nice to  Meet You!

I'm Sharon Carne

Sharon CarneI am a best-selling author, international speaker, musician, recording artist, master sound healer, mother, grandmother and evolving elder.

When I was 10 months old, I almost died. For as long as I can remember, there has been an unexpected result of this experience. Every time I look into a person’s eyes, I see the brilliant spark of their being. What breaks my heart, is that so many people don’t even know it is there. A world full of busyness and distraction keeps folks disconnected from this spark. I am passionate about helping people see and connect with this brilliant essence of their deepest sacred self.

My soul work and passion is to help you remember that sound affects every particle of your being. And to support you as you integrate sound work into your practice.  I am honoured to have taught thousands of people how to use sound, as a carrier wave for thought and intention to support well-being in profound ways.

What People are Saying . . .

I was immediately struck how professional, careful and kind everything that was offered to us. From the space, to material to the content and persentation, EVERYTHING felt powerful and aligned with a Higher Purpose. TRANSFORMATIONAL!

 Kenna Burima

TRUST, TRUST, TRUST! I have it in spades for Sharon and Ed. I don't say this lightly. I feel they have delivered everything they promised and more. I have not regretted one moment spent in their trainings.

Natalie Stuber

Sound is such an amazing tool for healing, but being taught by Ed and Sharon was really special. Thank you for your knowledge and your magic. Looking forward to learning more in the future and how this will assist in my personal healing and professional life.

Nicole Boivin-Englund

NEXT COURSE DATE: September 20-21, 27-28, 2025

Harmony for Life

Payment Plan

$444/m **

4 monthly payments


Pay In Full

$1729 **

One-time payment


**prices are in $CAD, and include GST

Note: You must have attended the Fundamentals of Healing with Sound and Music prior to attending Harmony for Life.



Money-Back GuaranteeWhen you register, attend the entire program, and participate fully, if for whatever reason, you don’t find it to be useful. . . let us know and we’ll refund your tuition!


In fact, you can try the information for up to a FULL YEAR after the program, and the offer still stands.

h2>Still Have Questions?

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